Secret Interior Design Accent Wall Tips You Should Know
Interior design accent wall is a kind of wall in a room that is treated differently from the rest of the walls and acts as a focus wall. An accent wall can be different in paint, wall cladding, or decorative treatment. You may have also call accent walls as feature walls. These walls can create magic for your rooms ambience.
The accent walls can be developed in any interior space to create interest and focus. People want to decorate their homes in a unique and creative way. Mostly interior accent walls are created in lobby, entryway and living rooms.
Let’s Explore What Interior Design Accent Wall is All About…
The idea of making accent walls is not new. Feature or accent walls have been suggested by interior designers for both residential and commercial projects for ages now.
These accent walls usually have different material treatments, color and shades may also vary while creating them. Interior Design accent walls need a whole new unique and appealing concept or ideas.
There are many questions people ask about interior design accent walls, let’s try to answer them. Even if you’re keeping room neutral, an accent wall is still a good idea.
Accent walls can be painted in either a neutral or a bold colour with various cladding and dramatic lighting options.
Which wall should be an accent wall?
Many other considerations are required to create an accent wall, like cladding type, wall painting, and lights, etc. Check this stick wood wall paneling, to give your interior accent walls a quick new look. Available on Amazon.
Should an accent wall be lighter or darker? [Answered]
The accent wall should be opposite in treatment from the rest of the walls.
Are accent walls still popular in 2021?
The important thing to remember is that trends never wipe out completely.
How many accent walls should be in a house?
Should a bedroom have an accent wall?

Painting the accent wall the same colour as the other walls, but two shades darker, is a decent rule of thumb.
This technique is usually foolproof if you don’t feel comfortable going crazy with colour and location. This is optional. In a darker area, a light accent wall can be useful.
Despite being a focal point, the accent wall rule of thumb is to make it elegant. Don’t overcrowd your walls with paintings, photos, and other mementos.
Wrap Up
Accent walls in interior design industry are an evergreen way of creating feature walls. Interior designers use accent walls in the room to bring interest and break monotony.
Accent walls should not have any redeeming architectural elements and should not be punctured by doors, windows, or pass-throughs, according to my design philosophy.
You should try and experiment making one of rooms wall as your accent wall. Just focus on making that wall different from the rest of the walls.
Start your adventure and enjoy the process of creativity.