5 Steps to Effective Housekeeping
Many homemakers increasingly ask themselves: how can housekeeping be made easier, how can it be done in the least amount of time, and how can the whole family be involved in managing the household? This article provides answers to these questions.
A century ago, when men primarily worked outside the home to earn money, women were seen as the keepers of the hearth, fully dedicated to raising children and managing the household. Today, societal dynamics have changed dramatically. Most women now seek self-realization and career growth, keeping pace with the times. However, this shift has its challenges.
Often, all household chores fall on the homemaker, who is torn between her main job and domestic duties. She needs to clean the entire apartment, wash and iron clothes, cook meals for the family, and wash dishes. These are just a few of the daily responsibilities that many women shoulder.
At first glance, these tasks may seem simple, but they require a significant amount of time, effort, and energy. When these actions are repeated day after day, they become a tiring routine, leaving little time or energy to spend with loved ones or for personal time.
An effective tool for organized housekeeping is planning. It helps to structure all actions, establish a sequence, and allocate specific time periods for each task.
Step 1: Divide Household Chores into Main Blocks
For convenience and clarity, divide all household chores into several main blocks and determine the actions included in each block:
- Keeping the House Clean: This includes making beds, washing floors, cleaning mirrors and windows, vacuuming, dusting, putting things in their places, and getting rid of unnecessary items.
- Cooking: This involves buying groceries, putting them away (both in the refrigerator and cupboards), and the cooking process itself.
- Caring for Clothes: This includes washing, drying, ironing, and putting clothes away.
- Other Tasks: This can include gardening, caring for pets, and other household chores not included in the main blocks.
Step 2: Assess the Time Needed for Each Action
Step 3: Distribute Household Chores by Days of the Week
This helps to ease the load and maintain order daily by doing tasks “in portions.” Some people find it easier to dedicate one day a week to general cleaning, but small household tasks are still present every day.
Step 4: Create a Detailed Plan
Develop a detailed plan for the day, week, or month. Place it in a visible spot and stick to it, marking off completed tasks.
Step 5: Involve Family Members in Household Chores
Assign specific tasks to each family member. For example, the eldest daughter can do the shopping, the youngest son can take out the trash, and the husband can wash the floors. This way, you maintain order in a high-quality and organized manner, and doing things together brings the family closer.
Follow these tips to keep your household organized while spending minimal effort and energy.